
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Tuesday 13th Sept I didn't send him off as his biz partner was waiting for him at Qantas Lounge. Met him at Raffles Plaza swimming pool but there were so many people and I didn't dare walk to the other side of the pool as I wasn't in the right attire.

Ended up waiting for him for almost 2hrs at the coffee place at Level 1. Went Funan to get camera and Habourfront to collect the SD card. Drinks at COffeeclub. Nearly cried when I saw him off at taxistand. Gosh... But I just fight back the tears and went to Pacific Plaza to meet Del, Cen and Suxin.

Yesterday, I met Cheryl for dinner at Hyatts. After dinner went to Zara to get some pants. Guess what? Saw Joleen Tan and Shereen at Zara! Chatted up for a bit then Cheryl and I headed off to Mandarin Hotel Observatory Lounge for drinks. Manage to use my camera's nightmode to get a snap of the lovely view...

Very nice right? hahahaaa i was so amazed by the effect.

CHeryl had baileys and martini. I ordered this cocktail " Little India " and it just simply taste like Chocolate Milkshake. hahaa..

While Cheryl was on the phone, I decided to do something. I deleted all his sms's. I am just so tired of all the nonsense. Just when I finish deleting, I got his sms again. hahahaa... Mad Mad World.

After drinks with Cheryl, went over to NYDC at Hereen's to chatup with Mag, Jo and Shereen. Still the same la all of us. Jo is now stationed at Dubai as she is flying with Emirates. She looks good now:)

Anyway, running late to meet Del oreadi. Going to catch a movie.

Weather: Hot and stuffy

Music: 92.9fm

Mood: really bad mood these days.
posted by Blasé.CeL at 9:55 PM | Full View |

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Location: Perth and Sydney, W.A and N.S.W, Australia

Inquisitive, indecisive, magnet to trouble. Oh well, I am just a simple girl with her own issues.



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