Pearline's Birthday Dinner

Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Yes, finally I am able to be in Singapore for Pearline's dinner. But then the dinner was not as pleasant as I have planned. First of all, I was rushing through my work so that I can make it in time for the meeting at 7.30pm at HV. We were going to Crustacean for dinner.

After work it began to drizzle and when I was crossing to Hyatt Hotel, it started to pour down. Then I decided to give myself a little treat and took a cab home. So by the time I got home it was only 6.45pm. Checked my mails then Pearl called me and told me she was still at Carrefour Plaza Singapura when it was 7.15pm. Jan called and told me she was already at Adam Road. Why she always don't have a sense of timing?

Met Jan and Kway first and as usual Pearl was late. She arrived at about 8pm.

I know the pic is abit blurry but this is the interior of the restaurant. Think it has about 4 fish tanks. High Maintenance loh.

Yummy.. Mushroom Soup!


Tenderloin. Looks good huh! And it's really medium rare.

We shifted upstairs to the balcony where we can relax and finish our wine and chat.

The place is really nice. The decor and service.

But poorthing la, whole night only us as customers. hahahaa...

Then Ms Bournaparte again... I called her and asked her casually what's happening tonight and wanted to double cfm with her if we are still going to Velvet on Wednesday as it is Velvet's Annivesary.

Goodness... then she thought I wanted to go that night. Miscommunication ley auntie.
Then today is Wednesday. I took an urgent leave. Lied through my teeth. So tired just needed one good night's rest. Well actually I have not much work to do in office. They are rushing through the last bits of Management Report cos I am suppose to do the daily stuff. And without them doing it, I seriously got nohting to do. So might as well take a day off. I went to the extent that I have to pretend pressing busily with the calculator. But actually I was calculating my own finances. hahaaa..

Oh Yes... good news... I have balanced the 2nd Bank Reconciliation Statement! Congrats to me....

All about Me : He was so sweet, he sms'ed at first asking me how was my weekend and stuff like that. Then for the first time he asked:" Want me to call ya? Give me a good time." Then I told him to call me at 1pm during my lunch break. Still as cheeky as eva. Cos I was at Han's Cafe and didn't know that it was self-service. I was on the phone with him when I told him to hold-on while I was talking to my colleague. I spoke in Mandarin and when I returned to the conversation, he asked me what the hell was I talking about? HAhahahaha...

Then he dropped me a bomb. He may not be coming to Sg for my grad. Cos the school says it is too high expenses blah blah blah. If the Vice Chancellor doesn't stay at BLURDEE FULLERTON, now, wouldn't it help keep it within the budget? Duh!

WAH LAO EH!!!!!!!!! first I am not allowed to go back by my financial controller of the house, nxt he is telling me he can't make it to Singapore? Hmmmm ... it's a sign. ahhahaaa.. Seems all the disappointment once and again just kills every anticipation we have for each other.

So now what am I going to do? I am just going to work as usual and don't go and think of any holiday plans. Negative responses always spoils and shatters the plans. At least I still receieve at least 1 sms per day.

Okay need to go get ready, meeting Sam at HV for coffee.

Weather: Cloudy and Windy
Music: 92.9fm (try it, nice radio station)
Mood: Light and Gay
posted by Blasé.CeL at 2:24 PM | Full View |

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Location: Perth and Sydney, W.A and N.S.W, Australia

Inquisitive, indecisive, magnet to trouble. Oh well, I am just a simple girl with her own issues.



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