Interview at FEO

Thursday, July 28, 2005
Today woke up super early at 8am. Last night still had that irritable cough and I had a splitting headache. Went to Bugis to meet Pearl last night for coffee and dinner. Tot I would give Starbucks another go (cos I dislike Starbucks) and indeed right after the coffee on my way home, I had this splitting headache on the bus and I simply cannot imagine how did I make my way home.

Got home I straightaway knocked out til 12am. Then took medicine and slept all the way thru till this morning. Woke up and was quite nervous about the interview. As I was going out of the door, I received an sms. He remembered that I have an interview and the msg goes: Good Luck - I'm with you all the way.

It did boost my confidence, thanks :D. So waited to meet the HR Mngr of FEO for 30mins. She led me into the interview room and I thought it was just gonna be me and her. (FYI: The job application is to replace some gal who is on maternity leave). I was surprised when she told me that Accounts Department are going to interview me too. So altogether in that small room, 3 Accounts Staff and 1 HR staff. Goodness... The job is going to last for only 3months. I can imagine if I was applying for some Perm Job. Will I get to see the Director too? hahahahaaa.....

Everything went smoothly. And they will inform me next week if I get selected. *fingers cross* I walked around Far East Plaza and find that the shops are selling similar stuff and its just not worth the price. But I saw a pair of shoes selling at Witchery too. It's the weaved pointies. Its only $30 compared to Witchery which is selling that pair for $129 AUD.

Bought some storybooks to accompany me through the trip to Indo this weekend and had my daily dosage of caffaine at Wheelock Place and reading the ever funny Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic series.

Weather: Sunny and Windy
Music: 92.9fm (live radio)
Mood: Not too bad
posted by Blasé.CeL at 2:53 PM | Full View |

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Location: Perth and Sydney, W.A and N.S.W, Australia

Inquisitive, indecisive, magnet to trouble. Oh well, I am just a simple girl with her own issues.



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