Magical Night

Sunday, July 24, 2005
After my haircut with Kane yesterday 24.7.05 Saturday, I took a cab straight home to change. As usual, I can't think straight under pressure. I cannot decide what I should wear. Meantime I also checked where is the hotel he was staying at. After which, took a cab to Coleman St. My GOODNESS. The Military were reharsing the NDP. Just waiting for the blurdee tanks to pass first, my taxi fare increased by $2.00.

Trying to focus on the Tanks. This is River Valley Road.

Another Tank. Can you imagine the major traffic jam that it has caused? Not more of the private cars, but I feel for the people taking a taxi passing through that area (eg. Me)

Last Tank to pass. :)

After all tanks passed, taxi driver stopped at some place and asked me to walk over to the hotel. I got off, walk as fast as possible in my heels. Blurdee toes were killing me. Not to mention, the weather, I was feeling sticky by the end I reached the hotel.

So finally I saw HIM! Got greeted by pecks on cheeks. :D haahhahahahaa..... I felt bad as I told him that I would be done by 6-ish and he waited at the hotel lobby till 730pm. We went over to Funan Centre, I think, for coffee at Coffee Beans. Bumped into my Uncle and his whole family. After coffee it was almost 8.30pm, we headed to Raffles City to have dinner at this small Japanese foodplace.

After dinner, I got led into Raffles Plaza's poolside. It was amazing. We hang around the pool and had our first beers. He introduced me to some of the workers at poolside as he always stays there and we did chat for awhile.

I thought we could stay there forever. But at about 10.30pm, the poolside manager said: Sorry we are closing. Bummer.

We went to CHIJMES and took a stroll, decided nothing suited us and he asked for suggestions where to bring him. Just at that moment, I received Simon's msg that he was going Velvet. I did kinda plan with Simon in the arvo cos' I do not know what place would be good to bring him.

I told him that we should go Velvet and he was cool about it. He wanted to freshen up. So headed back to his hotel.

Looks quite small compared to Raffles Plaza. But the price is not really cheap. $175+++. Raffles Plaza was $280+++

He took out two shirts and asked me to decide what he should wear. I thought he isn't much of a fashion person. His shirt brands are Marc and Ben Sherman. His jeans were Diesel. For a man of his age, I got to admit that he is quite QUITE knowledgable of his fashion.

Reached Velvet at 12.15am. Met up with Simon and his friend. Hanged out at the bar till 330am. It was amazing. The whole night we just talked and talked about anything under the sky. His personal life, his work life, his views of certain issues. He listen to my problems, encouraging me every time I feel low.

Had couple of drinks. He was still feeling energetic. Went back to his hotel and he made me a cup of tea. You won't believe it. We lie in bed and talked till 6am. Then I decided to leave cos' he lunch meeting with his colleagues and he is such a light sleeper. So I said my goodbye (donno when will I see him again). But he will be back in Sg for the graduation. :D So prolly will get to see him in Oct.

Weather: Rainy n Cloudy
Music: After All - Peter Cetera and Cher
Mood: Dreamy
posted by Blasé.CeL at 12:48 PM | Full View |

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Location: Perth and Sydney, W.A and N.S.W, Australia

Inquisitive, indecisive, magnet to trouble. Oh well, I am just a simple girl with her own issues.



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