Sammie's Birthday

Thursday, May 05, 2005
On 30th April was Sam's bday! We had dinner at Hogs Breath then headed to Base for some drinks. We had few Illusion and one glass of Long Island Tea. It is not as strong as Singapore's. The people who went are Mike and Sam, Matt and Rachael. As usual, extra one out. hahahaha.. No choice, I very thick skin one what. What to do rite?

My natural prime steak at Hogs Breath! YUmmie!

Birthday girl with her beloved boyfriend!

At last for once Sam manage to finish her food! Congrats!!!

Sam n I drinking Illusion at Base.

More Illusion. Going on strong still! Rachael, Sam and Me.


Few weeks ago, we went to this Mexican Restaurant at Fremantle. The steak was really overflowing the hot plate. The dinner met up wif Alex, Jeffery (both Hong Kongers from Murdoch College), Wen, Meimei, Deb, Peiling and Nona. Sam and Mike joined us too.

Sam, Me and Nona

That's Meimei, Wen, Alex and Jeffery.

Photo taken with my Wellington Street neighbours.

I know the pic looks quite yucky. Again eat halfway realised haven't take pic yet. This is the t-bone steak. Costs $21. Quite worth it.

The ribs that Sam ordered looks so meaty. Knowing that Sam isn't that meat kinda person, as usual, Mike had to help me finish up. Then after tat, we headed to K, then Jessica (Peiling's Cuz) joined us later.

Then I had my two week's break, Sydney boy Gabriel came over to Perth and visited for 4days 3nights. Went to Bar Open on the night he touched down. hahahaa.. Drink drink drink.

Well, now is already Week 9 of study week. I am left with only one and half month to go before I am done with University life (fingers cross). Today Peiling had a piece of good news to tell the whole world. That Jon is coming to Perth in 3 days' time! Congrats Peiling. Don't worry abt unnecessary stuff la. He loves u! hahahaa... Good luck girl!
posted by Blasé.CeL at 3:48 AM | Full View |

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Location: Perth and Sydney, W.A and N.S.W, Australia

Inquisitive, indecisive, magnet to trouble. Oh well, I am just a simple girl with her own issues.



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