Mid-semester break of 2 weeks...
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Yes I have survived 7 weeks of school and now we are having our mid-sem's break. Anywayz was thinking it doesn't really make a difference does it: if my school days are like Tuesday and Friday only. HAhahhaa.. Well where should I start???
On 30th March, my friend Gabriel aka Lame Meng hahaa and his friends had this road trip thingy to Melbourne. At 4.10pm after driving almost 7 hours and getting lost, he messaged me to tell me that he saw a wild camel for the first time in Australia! Wasn't sure if camel travel in groups anot. but I always think that there are wild kangaroos but not camels!

Sam's friend Xinyi also known as Lydia had to go back to Singapore as her visa is expiring soon. She came to Perth for full 6 months to accompany her boyfriend! hahaa so sweet huh...

We had dinner at Tsunami (jap fusion) Restaurant. The food was good and we had this good and cheap wine which costs us about only 29 for tat bottle.

Looks like we are in fire! Tried to use the bloody nightmode with the cam but just get the right effect.

Second attempt yet its still like that. Give up la!

As usual always forget to take pics before we start our meals. This was the last dish out then I remembered! That is some salmon thing. Michael was acting like a typical Singaporean that day. Being indecisive with what meal to choose for dinner, he asked the waiter for recommendation. The waiter recommended Michael the salmon dish and Mike was like" Is it? Good ah?! Okay okay i take that!" hahahahaa...
On 2nd April, in the middle of the night at 2am, I received this stupid sms from Gabriel. He and his friends travelled back to Sydney in the night from Melbourne. The best part was... They ran out of petrol and cannot find any petrol station that is open 24hrs. They parked their car at the service station and waited till morning. So my advice is: Do not travel in the country area in the night. Always travel early morning or late morning. hahaha.. Poor fellas. Got to sleep in the car.

Then the rest of the week pass by like a breeze. Few days ago, Mike and I were feeling damn bored at home and Sam had this production thing going on in school till late at night. Then Mike being like the only K kaki in Perth, we decided to go HitStudio. Had some beer till my classmate Tim called me. He went:" Hey what u doing now? Did you prepare for the test in 2 day's time?" I was like? WTF? We actually have a test on Friday? hahahhaa... and I only have 2 days to prepare my quotations and do research on the questions.
Tell u, the two days were like hell. But it wasn't that bad after all. Thanks to Gabriel. I really need to thank him la. Because he helped me to edit my stupid questions. I admit I do not know how to write a fluent essay. Stayed up every night till like 5-6am. And he being in Sydney with 2hours time diff, he would be sleeping at 7-8am? I feel really bad. Now that it's finally over! I am looking forward to Gabriel's visit to Perth on 16th April. We can go K again! lallalallalalaa.... And he can be my drinking kaki also. There goes to show how bored I am in Perth. Okies dokies... enuff of my nonsense. =)
On 30th March, my friend Gabriel aka Lame Meng hahaa and his friends had this road trip thingy to Melbourne. At 4.10pm after driving almost 7 hours and getting lost, he messaged me to tell me that he saw a wild camel for the first time in Australia! Wasn't sure if camel travel in groups anot. but I always think that there are wild kangaroos but not camels!
Sam's friend Xinyi also known as Lydia had to go back to Singapore as her visa is expiring soon. She came to Perth for full 6 months to accompany her boyfriend! hahaa so sweet huh...
We had dinner at Tsunami (jap fusion) Restaurant. The food was good and we had this good and cheap wine which costs us about only 29 for tat bottle.
Looks like we are in fire! Tried to use the bloody nightmode with the cam but just get the right effect.
Second attempt yet its still like that. Give up la!
As usual always forget to take pics before we start our meals. This was the last dish out then I remembered! That is some salmon thing. Michael was acting like a typical Singaporean that day. Being indecisive with what meal to choose for dinner, he asked the waiter for recommendation. The waiter recommended Michael the salmon dish and Mike was like" Is it? Good ah?! Okay okay i take that!" hahahahaa...
On 2nd April, in the middle of the night at 2am, I received this stupid sms from Gabriel. He and his friends travelled back to Sydney in the night from Melbourne. The best part was... They ran out of petrol and cannot find any petrol station that is open 24hrs. They parked their car at the service station and waited till morning. So my advice is: Do not travel in the country area in the night. Always travel early morning or late morning. hahaha.. Poor fellas. Got to sleep in the car.
Then the rest of the week pass by like a breeze. Few days ago, Mike and I were feeling damn bored at home and Sam had this production thing going on in school till late at night. Then Mike being like the only K kaki in Perth, we decided to go HitStudio. Had some beer till my classmate Tim called me. He went:" Hey what u doing now? Did you prepare for the test in 2 day's time?" I was like? WTF? We actually have a test on Friday? hahahhaa... and I only have 2 days to prepare my quotations and do research on the questions.
Tell u, the two days were like hell. But it wasn't that bad after all. Thanks to Gabriel. I really need to thank him la. Because he helped me to edit my stupid questions. I admit I do not know how to write a fluent essay. Stayed up every night till like 5-6am. And he being in Sydney with 2hours time diff, he would be sleeping at 7-8am? I feel really bad. Now that it's finally over! I am looking forward to Gabriel's visit to Perth on 16th April. We can go K again! lallalallalalaa.... And he can be my drinking kaki also. There goes to show how bored I am in Perth. Okies dokies... enuff of my nonsense. =)
posted by Blasé.CeL at 1:20 PM
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