
Monday, August 14, 2006
After one week of anxiety over the job hunt, I was offered an accounts assistant role in a mining company. It's a really small company of over 20 staffs and I am assisting the biz manager with the accounts of the different companies of the Mining Group. Was quite a vast difference in working environment and perks in comparison to iiNet.

It's a temp position once again but last week, the biz mgr did mention about offering me a permanent position. Yet nothing has been promised, it's just a test period now and also if I feel there is not much challenge in this job, I will not be committed to this company when a better opportunity knocks on the door.

For the past 10 days, my friend from Singapore was in Perth for a visit. I feel bad as most of the time I am working and after work, I feel completely drained and not much sightseeing stuff has been done. Though I am proud to say that I managed to drive down to Mandurah. Other than that, places that I have brought him to was the usual King's Park, Cottesloe, Mill Point, Freo and some other places.

It was also a good thing that my friend was over for the visit as prior to the visit, I was getting a tad emotionally attached to Him and now its passing through the cooling off phase.

Today at work, received good news from my Godson, Simon. He told me he will be getting married end of the year! Congrats. Now I was just doing a mental count how many of my friends got engaged this year. First is Edmund, then Janet, now Simon and also another friend getting ROM this year too. GOODNESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... isit the latest trend in SG? The ROM craze is happening! ahahhahahaa....

Meimei if you read this blog, hurry come back Perth! *hugs*

I miss all my friends suddenly and at times like this, I have the sudden urge to just packup and head home. It's a mental battle.

Weather: Cooling and light showers (sounds like the weatherman)

Music: I can't seem to make you mine - The Clientele

Mood: Feeling rather empty (when there is no problem, I will twitch. I welcome problems with open arms!)
posted by Blasé.CeL at 7:25 PM | Full View |

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Location: Perth and Sydney, W.A and N.S.W, Australia

Inquisitive, indecisive, magnet to trouble. Oh well, I am just a simple girl with her own issues.



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