Last Day at FEO

Friday, September 30, 2005
Yes it's my last day at FEO. Feeling abit sad cos i really get along well with my colleagues and supervisor.

Yesterday Lishan this really sweet girl who is also an assistant of my supervisor treated me to dinner at Suntec. We planned to go for a nice lunch today but her sis's ROM day falls on today so we had this farewell dinner. Really missing her. On my first day of work, she taught me lotsa stuff and even I made tons of mistakes she is always all smiles and told me don't worry about it.

Today the rest of us planned to wear nicer than usual cos we are gonna take some pics!

Us in the lift trying to take a pic. hahahaa...

Left to right (Pei Jun, Janice, Ferlyn). We had lunch at Sushi Teh. Ferlyn treated us to lunch cos there's oso another girl who is leaving today.

Left to right (Claudia, Jasmine and Me). Jasmine is the other girl who is leaving.

Glimpse of my working place.

My ever funny supervisor, Johnson.

Aft work we went up to 7th flr to take some pics. my ofc is on 6th flr.

again another pic in the lift. but this time is after work. was darn furnee. trying to take a nice pic so we went down to 1st flr then to 6th flr then down again cos there are alwyas people taking the lift.

I am kinda not looking forward to the new job. But then I guess one has to move on. Wondering how will the new boss be like? the snr partner is my dad's poly mate can! aiyoooo dad told me when he saw my employment contract letter. hahahaa....but i am definitely not going to tell my boss about it, if not its sure gonna be weird working for him.

Today is Friday and it's so so soooooooooooo boriNG!!!!! i am at home loh. wad u thinK?

Tmr Cen and Del promised to go to New Asia Bar. Is it wait for 3weeks already? hahahaa... Del got her new job at Sony, but stationed at Jurong East. My new working place is very near Cengie's. So can meet at Bugis for lunch!

Eh aunties and uncles reading my blog, 13th Oct Thurs, can urall pls make yaself free? hahahaa lets meet at Raffles Convention Centre cos its my graduation and I got no friends can. Cos all of em graduated in Perth. *sobs*

Something about Yvanna: okay here's the part that i know u guys hate most. Yes, I am feeling abit tired and really really hope tat he can stop treating me like that. I did hint to him on Tuesday that if he continues to give me special treatment, I will get used to him being around me.
His ans: is tt a problem? I am juz trying to broaden ya horizon. haizz... this kinda ans dumbass oso noe it's heading no where la. Then again when he sense that i am drifting away, he will pull back, ask me How am I? be all sweet again.

But I gotta admit that I am feeling different compared to one month ago. Thanks to Miss Anderson constant advices and Cen and Dels' moral support all these weeks. If without them, I think I would have gone kuku.

Weather: Sticky, Humid and Stupidest Weather in da world

Music: Trouble - Coldplay (thumbs up)

Mood: Not expecting much. Just doing what I am suppose to do now.
posted by Blasé.CeL at 11:09 PM | Full View | 0 Thoughts

BEP's Concert

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
The long awaited BEP's Concert!!! Yes I have won the tics from Power 98fm cos I was the first to sms them the song title. And the lucky song is: Let's Get It Started.

I was feeling so darn excited at work. Suxin, Cengie, Delkin, Shereen and I planned to meet at Lucky Plaza for dinner then we head off to Indoor Stadium.

Pics Time:

Kellock Convent and St Theresa's Convent girls. Goodness since Primary One I have been in the same class as Shereen (the one in green top) and fr Primary 5 all of us have been in the same class. So you can go and count the years we have been good friends ;)

The Stage

This is how far me and Cengie are away from the stage. Can U imagine there were about 6500 audiences?

Before entering the stadium, there are stalls selling beers for 6bucks. THere are alo t of angmoh drinking. And they are really mad, dance like nobody's biz. hahahaaa..

I know can't see shit la. But thats the best i can do.

ANother ants pic.

I tried to take a really good pic of Fergie but damn I must move la when it was the best time to take a pic of her.

Summary: the concert was AWESOME! I wanted to have more but darn I guess they are tired too as in THE BEPs. Cos the night before the concert they were at LA's Emmy Awards. The night before Emmy, they were at Tokyo for 2 nights concert. So we just got 1.5hrs of full-on action from BEPs.

I really enjoyed myself. It was full-blown dancing and swaying ya butts concert.

Conclusion: So tired after the concert. Reached home at 12am. Took half day today la cos my body is so tired and my muscle ached like nobody's biz.

Yvanna's Life: Recently, I have not even thot of anything abt him. Instead he did sms me stuff like am I ok. In fact he just sms me, asking if I was ok. One week I get 3 "R u Ok" sms's. I wonder if I am really ok too? I just can't be bothered with any complications. I feel that if you detach yaself from something, u won't be afraid of losing it. So by detaching myself from him, I feel now I do not even have any expectations from him. I guess this is a healthier way.

Question: Hey pple who reading my blog, does anyone know any websites that can upload videos? Cos I have taken some video clips from the BEP's concert using my digicam. So if you know, pls let me know. Thankeru!!!!

Weather: Sux, Rainy, Cloudy, Lightning

Music: My Humps - BEP

Mood: Breaking Away
posted by Blasé.CeL at 10:07 PM | Full View | 0 Thoughts


Saturday, September 17, 2005
Tuesday 13th Sept I didn't send him off as his biz partner was waiting for him at Qantas Lounge. Met him at Raffles Plaza swimming pool but there were so many people and I didn't dare walk to the other side of the pool as I wasn't in the right attire.

Ended up waiting for him for almost 2hrs at the coffee place at Level 1. Went Funan to get camera and Habourfront to collect the SD card. Drinks at COffeeclub. Nearly cried when I saw him off at taxistand. Gosh... But I just fight back the tears and went to Pacific Plaza to meet Del, Cen and Suxin.

Yesterday, I met Cheryl for dinner at Hyatts. After dinner went to Zara to get some pants. Guess what? Saw Joleen Tan and Shereen at Zara! Chatted up for a bit then Cheryl and I headed off to Mandarin Hotel Observatory Lounge for drinks. Manage to use my camera's nightmode to get a snap of the lovely view...

Very nice right? hahahaaa i was so amazed by the effect.

CHeryl had baileys and martini. I ordered this cocktail " Little India " and it just simply taste like Chocolate Milkshake. hahaa..

While Cheryl was on the phone, I decided to do something. I deleted all his sms's. I am just so tired of all the nonsense. Just when I finish deleting, I got his sms again. hahahaa... Mad Mad World.

After drinks with Cheryl, went over to NYDC at Hereen's to chatup with Mag, Jo and Shereen. Still the same la all of us. Jo is now stationed at Dubai as she is flying with Emirates. She looks good now:)

Anyway, running late to meet Del oreadi. Going to catch a movie.

Weather: Hot and stuffy

Music: 92.9fm

Mood: really bad mood these days.
posted by Blasé.CeL at 9:55 PM | Full View | 0 Thoughts

Holiday in Singapore

Saturday, September 10, 2005
I know it's been ages since I last blogged. So far only two happy things happened this week.

1. I won Black Eyed Peas concert tics !!! from Power 98fm. Hahahaa... SO U can imagine how bored I was at work sometimes. Gonna collect the tics on Tuesday.

2. 8th Sept he came to Singapore! I was so excited. I went to rebond my hair, went for facial and worked overtime to clock the hours. Yes I know I am very vain la. hahahaa.. but anyway I have been thinking of rebonding my hair years ago and I have tried it twice but the hairdressers always cheat my $.

Sept 8th: Took 30mins off work and went home. Prepared myself to meet him. Touched down at 5pm and checked into hotel at 6pm. This time he stayed at Peninsula Excelsior. Beautiful view of Singapore River, Boat Quay and Clark Quay and Chinatown. Went for coffee at 9pm and at 11pm decided to go for a walk. It was just Fantastic! I have asked him the reason for coming over, cos I thought it was due to school biz. But he said was not. The reason he gave me brought a smile to my face.

Left at 12am as need to work the next day.

Sept 9th: took half day off work went to rebond my stupid hair. 1-6pm i just sat there. Damn tiring man. but i like the effect. GOod value money. Far East Plaza Hair Plan 5th Level. try it!
Aft that was thinking of taking a bus home and upon walking I realised that along Scotts Road there are police vans. I couldn't be bothered walking to Wisma and I decided to treat myself to a taxi ride. The taxi driver told me that they found a woman's head chopped off and was placed near the MRT station! Who in the world with the right mind will put it at such an obvious place?! Gosh... but it certainly scares me. nowadays in Singapore foreigners have been murdered. Xpecially ROC.

THen I went home to take some stuff and off I went to meet him at Peninsula. Had dinner at the same Jap Restaurant sat the same seats! After dinner we headed off to Balaclava. Met Ande and K there. Great night out. I just got back from the airport. Sent him off cos he needs to go KL for this biz thingy. If he gets the deal, that would be great! Initially I thought I will get to spend the weekend with him but he didn't mention to me abt the KL trip till he came. Was rather disappointed.

But he is coming back on Tuesday Arvo but leaving on Tuesday Night. NUTS! hate it whenever he comes for such short trips. but hey... better than nothing!

This KL trip I was already feeling rather sad when I sent him off. Knowing that he is coming back on Tues. I can imagine on Tuesday I will be crying buckets of tears. hahahahahaa... But then again, I seldom tear. hmmmmm... Oh wells, yes, I am going to take Tuesday Halfday off again. I think my boss will just give me one kind of attitude.

Lonely weekend....

Weather: Hot, Stuffy, Humid

Music: Lola's Theme - Shapeshifters

Mood: what u think lei? just came bac fr airport lei.
posted by Blasé.CeL at 8:57 AM | Full View | 0 Thoughts

About me

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Location: Perth and Sydney, W.A and N.S.W, Australia

Inquisitive, indecisive, magnet to trouble. Oh well, I am just a simple girl with her own issues.


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