Sydney so far....

Friday, December 30, 2005
Day 1 (25.12.05) - 2245 met Gladys then headed back home at Market City on Quay Street. Went over to her working place to meet some of friends then both of us went to the CHOK place (Bie Bu Tong - Not Different) for supper! YUMMY CHOK!!!!
After which, went to Delifrance at George Street for coofffeeeee... and did catching up. When we got home, got greeted by 4 moths. Gladys was so terrified of moths. So dear Yvanna had to roll up newspaper and start to kill of them. Total Moths Dead = 10. Then at 5am (AEST) I woke up cos I got bit by some farking irritating mosquitoes. managed to kill it after 1hr.

Day 2 (26.12.05) - Shops closed. Did a little shopping at market city cos its opened during public holis too. Yum Cha with 2 of her friends. Dinner was at Chatswood at this chinese restaurant cos one of her friend is leaving Aust for good. Was a 8course dinner which includes abalone, scallop, prawns, sea cucumber etc.

Day 3 (27.12.05) - SHOPPING DAY! THE GREAT Half Year SALE AUSt WIDE! So dear Yvanna woke up at 8am (AEST) which is 5am Sing time. Leftthe hse at 10am and off she goes to the battlefield. On the way I met Sonia this friend of Gladys. So both of decided to shop together! Everyshop was having massive sale. I just keep feeling the adrenaline rush. Was onli suppose to head to witchery to get myself a bag but the route to Witchery was a long one... I stopped at practically every shop I came across. MNG Sale was madness. Then next stop was Temt and Valleygirl. Had my breakfast and then off we headed to Myers. Can u actually believe that there was a queue to go up the elevator? Cos it was jam packed. The whole place was chaos and was darn stuffy. So at 3pm Sonia had to meet her friends. I went to my fav shop... that is COUNTRY ROAD! STOREWIDE 30% OFF! But I didn't get anything cos I was going to the warehouse the nxt day with Gladys. There were long long queues to go into boutiques. Bally was having 50% off. Gucci was having 50% off shoes and up to 40% on bags. Ferragamo too... Jigsaw also 40%.

Damage of the day: 4 Witchery Tops. 2 Mng Cami. 1 Temt Skirt. I can't remember what I have bought! I think that shd be it.

Dinner at Korean restaurant then coffee at delifrance again.

Day 4 (28.12.05) - Got lost on the way to Birkenhead Point. Though we both were on the right track but we just didn't trust our instincts. When we got there! Straightaway I went to Witchery. Surprisingly I didnt get anything. Then next stop was COUNTRY ROAD! Spent about 1hour. THen had lunch and did somemore shopping. Imagine now it's already sale season but warehouse sales, you take additional 30-50% off the discounted price. That is what I call SALE!

Damage of the day: Little though, 1 CR Bag (BLUE!) and one White Tie Pants from CR TOO!

Dinner was home cook dinner. Then we went to catch a movie Narnia? How to spell that? At about 1230am, Gladys got a phonecall saying that her working place (this 24hr internet cafe) got robbed by some Middle Eastern people with masked faces and threatended with knives. My Goossshhhhh.... Luckily nobody was hurt and the only loss was monetary.

Day 5 (29.12.05) - Shopped in the city. Gladys wanted to go to the Gucci Sale. Then what did I get again? hahahaa... Country Road BLUE TOP! Cengie if you read this, YES Finally I bought it! It's onli $39.95. And one Witchery Cami at $9.95. Cheap CHeap CHeap....

Dinner at this MA LA HUO KUO place. MY GOODNESS! I seriously miss the price they are charging back home. U know we didn't order much. 3 pax. TOTAL BILL $117 AUD! I miss buffet style suddenly.

Why am I awake now: Becos I had a horrible dream. I dreamt that I got caught and some African people were doing some voodoo on me... IT IS exactly like in the movies. Then once again, The Mosquitos are BACK. After got so irritated with the mosquitos, I heard the MSN Messenger keep alerting. Andeline was typing some message and YES I AM FULLY AWAKE and it's 5.14am which is 2.14am in Sing. So now i decided to take this time to do some blogging. havent done in a while anyway.

New Year Resolution: I really hope that I can do it.

1. Quit Smoking (doesn't this sound familiar to every smoker?)

2. Get Fit. Do Pilates,Yoga, whateva to keep myself healthy.

3. To get him out of my system (yes I need to do it! but this is onli 50-50 chance)

4. Self-improvement. To lurve my folks more. No more talking rudely. More gentle pls.

5. Lurve all my friends.

6. Do my blurdee CPA and get a job in AUST! (no more slacking)

That shd be enuff for the time being. Goodernight~

Weather: Sun and Cooling and most imptly, NOT HUMID!

Music: Ye Qu - Jay Zhou

Mood: Tired and want to hunt down that blurdee mosquito
posted by Blasé.CeL at 1:47 AM | Full View | 0 Thoughts

Merry Xmas

Sunday, December 25, 2005
Finally we met yesterday at Northbridge. We had some drinks at The Moon Cafe then off we headed over to the photoshoot shop to have some pics taken. It was kinda surprise for me but he told me before hand so hahaaa no surprise la.

Seems like he has been mentioning about me to some of his friends cos the photographer knows that I was busy for the past week and this was a special treat fr him to relax myself. We actually had plans to go to this place at Rockingham. Dinner was with Michael, Jay, Steven and another friend and we were suppose to meet again. But when I got home, we both were too tired. But the surprise bit was, he didn't know that I had plans for dinner with my friends. He wanted me to accompany him back home to feed his cats and goldfish first then go Rockingham together!

He told me he will meet today after he attending this house party. The plan was to meet at 10pm but I told him that maybe my friends will be over at my place for drinks. Then dear Yvanna waited til 10pm and fell asleep. I was sooooo tired. The next thing I know when I opened my eyes, it was 11.45pm! And no sms. So I just txt him Merry xmas and he msg back. Then I thot he was held up and I felt really disappointed. Went out to have some drinks and see the guys play monopoly. Then they decided to go over to somebody's house to continue the night. I wanted to pack for tomorrow so stayed at home. After staring at the wall for 15mins, I took my phone and realised that I recieved a missed call 1hr ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was fr hIM! WHY THE DODO BIRD I LEFT MY BLURDEE FONE IN THE ROOM! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

So this year's xmas is really a flop. It's always like that with him, the plans just screwed becos of communication breakdown. Oh well, on the bright side, at least he did call. And he called at 12am! arghhhhh.. okay enuff of me whining.

Weather: Fantastic (been suntaning every day for 2hours!)

Music: Ye Qu - Jay Zhou

Mood: no words can describe (sam if u read this, its like missing the flight feel)
posted by Blasé.CeL at 1:07 AM | Full View | 1 Thoughts

A Simple Life by Sam and Cel

Sunday, December 18, 2005
Day 2 of my cuz's visit to Perth:

Went Freo with cuz and his friend. Had Kailis Fish and Chips (Yummy) then walked around the city centre. Cuz isn't much of a shopper so we had coffee at Dome while he feasted his eyes on the local chicks. They just look so HOT.

Cuz and Minghui

Sat there till like 430 then headed to Kings Park to take some pics.

View of da City fr Kings Park

After that went over to East Perth and had some beer! Didn't do much as the next day Mike and Sam and I and other friends had to go abseiling in da Morning.

So today is Abseiling day. 2 city girls along with their adventurous friends headed off to Midlands (some granite quarry) for abseiling. They got up at 540am and headed off to their friend, Jay's, hse.

At about 730am, they finally arrived the destination. They climbed some slope up to the meeting point and was greeted by this HUGE ROCK that is about 50m high.

Yes its about 17 storey high.

Group Pic

After which we assembled and was briefed by the instructors. As usual, I am always the girl with most problem. My harness was too loose, my helmut didn't have the clip n I tighted something too tight and the instructor had to use pliers to undo it for me.

But the course was supposed to start from smaller rock then advance to the bigger ones.

Simple Life of Sam and Cel

We are suppose to attach ourselves to some rope and abseil down. It's not funny matter when we are afraid of heights.

The trick is you gotta lean all the way back and not keep ya body straight and keep releasing the rope in order to allow yourself to descend.

First try I took about 20minutes to descend? I think so. I was so scared. When I looked down, my hands just trembled. As you abseil down to one point, there is this huge gap which makes it impossible to take small steps. I had to kick myself off the rock and release the rope to descend further. But I had great fun doing it. For that whole solid 20minutes, I guess it's the first time I had full concentration on just one matter ---> How to get down and to keep in mind that I have to lean backwards and to keep my feet apart.

Yes it's that scary can.

After trying three times on the beginner rock. Sam and Cel decided that at least they did try to be adventurous but then Rocks are just not their best mates.

Though they are out-going, deep down, they are still are two simple girls living in da city and this is just not their cup of tea.

While we were having our ciggie break, we made a new friend!

Meet Larry the Lizard!

Naoko and Sam

The guys

They went on to do the highest rock but the weather was just too hot and wearing long sleeved ribbed black shirt makes matters worse. I felt so dehydrated and I just keep drinking so much water.

Reached home at about 3pm and was flat out. Slept till 830pm and went to northbridge HK's tea cafe for dinner.

Tmr is another day that I have to wake up early for the damn x-ray for my medical. I can't wait for Tuesday where I can just lay in bed and not be bothered by the alarm. AHHHHHHHHHHHH

Sunday sunday sunday! I can't wait for Sunday! Im going Sydney.... Yippie~

Something about Yvanna: I am always giving endless excuses of not meeting him. Not sure why too. I text him this morning telling him that my cuz extended his stay till Fri and I cant meet him but actual fact, cuz left this morning. Oh well, take one step at a time.

Weather: Hot and Sunny. Summer is here!

Music: In the crossfire - Starsailor

Mood: Perpetual tiredness.
posted by Blasé.CeL at 11:56 PM | Full View | 0 Thoughts

Life Changing Event

Saturday, December 17, 2005
On last day at work, 13th Dec 2005, at 10am, my agent called me and informed me that I have to leave for Aust and stay there indefinitely. I was utterly shocked. My plans of living in Singapore crashed. Within the next 24hours I have to come up with another plan for my new life in Australia. Everything just changed. I told my mum abt the news and she was very upset about it.

My feelings: feel damn damn useless, cos after so long, I still need my folks to support me.

Then I told myself, look on the brighter side, at least its for 6months that my family and I will have to suffer, after which my PR gets approved, things will be going according to plan. It's just this hurdle that we have to overcome.

That day after receiving news, I straight away msged Del and Cen and Jan and Shereen. It was really sweet of Del and Cen to meet me after work and we went to Holland Village to chat up again before I leave the next day. I really miss those many weekends of watching movies or just shopping and spend quality time with my good friends.

When I was at the airport, my mother was about to tear and Dad gave me a big big hug which is very unusual (cos showing emotions was a rare occasion thing to do).

Mike and Sam came to pick me up (thankerU) at 1.30am.

My first day in Perth: woke up at 8am and woke my new hsemates up at 930am. I am really touched cos we slept like 6am the night before and they have to wake up so that I can go and collect my rental car and do my medical checkup. The day just passed like a breeze, by 3pm we were having coffee at Carousel and do some grocery shopping.

430pm At last we reached home and all of us went for our little nap at about 7pm.
As I was fallin aslp, P msg and I felt even worse. After knowing her for so long, she never even msg me on my bday and now all she noe is to ask to borrow money? What is this? Somemore its not a small amount. It's getting more and more each time and now she is asking me to ask my folks. My heart really sank and straight away i called Jan.
Two words: Utterly Disappointed.

Action: Ignore

Dinner was at old CHinChin then at 1.30am I went to pick my Cuz up.

Today we went to do some sightseeing at Cottesloe.

My Cuz, Adrian.

Beautiful Cottesloe

It's still cold! Only 20degrees or so. But was a good day to be at the beach.

Then after that, of cos its shopping la. ME ley! ahhahaaa

Whack Harbourtown but found nothing spectacular. I keep reminding myself that I will be leaving in one week for Syd and I will do my shopping there.

But when I finally reached City and was looking for a decent leather bag for my Cuz, then I remembered that Country Road (MY FAV BRAND) sells quite nice bags. Then when we were about to reach CR, I saw the BIG SIGN " 30% OFF ALL STOCK!"

Best part, I just received my CR membership card and members are entitled to even further discount! WHAT CAN I SAY! HAHAHAHHAHAA I LURVE AUST! sale sale sale... smack right at ya face. So I took quicker steps and stormed into the shop and went straight to the section where all the BLUE TOPS AND SKIRTS are.

Sad Part: Couldn't decide which one to get. In e end I got myself a gun metal top. I cant make up my mind to which top to get. The sandals that I have been dying to get they had it in BLUE! ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! oh well, if U are confused to which blue I am talkin about, pls go to . The dresses are to die for. oh well, I guess I didn't want to impulse buy but I did ask the salesgirl regarding the sale and it just started today. HAHAHA STILL GOT TIME LA YVANNA... RELAC!

When at abt 845pm I had this stomachache and make me feel faintish. Things start to turn so bright and I broke into cold sweat. I didnt even have strength to walk on and my head was so heavy. Thank GOD that Adrian was next to me and he helped me to the ladies. When he asked me how I was feeling, I was about to faint when I stepped onto the elevator. I was so pale and my hearing just went blank but I concentrated on the pain and told myself to wake up not to faint.

Dinner was at Hog's Breath after which, Jay came over for Monopoly and they are still playing now.

Something about Yvanna: Everything is going downhill. His Msia contract proposal screwed. It's funny when I think about it, his contract is invalid now, I have to stay in Aust. is this another test?


Music: This Love - Craig Armstrong

Mood: Still very affected by P.
posted by Blasé.CeL at 1:34 AM | Full View | 0 Thoughts

Fringe Kias

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Yesterday my Thai friend from Perth came to Singapore for one night stopover with his gal Ahn. Met up with my friends. All of us have graduated and one couple has actually ROMed. The rock on her finger is very nice okay. Vincent got it from Larrys and I reckon it is worth my annual income. In fact it is cos she told me the price. They got a house at the Pinnacles. Lucky Girl! Had coffee at Coffee Bean Paragons then went to Spaggedies for dinner. Is that how u spell the restuarant? After dinner I went home and the rest went to KTV. It's nice to see them all again knowing that all of them are doing so well.

My birthday pics taken by Jan's camera.

After my birthday, the following week was Cengie's birthday. On Saturday 3.12.05, met up with Cheryl to do some shoppinG! OH YES! hahahahaa before I forget... I have been contemplating to cut my fringe and without further procrastinating, I went ahead on Saturday.

After visiting Kane, Cheryl and I proceed to Far East and got Cengie's bday pressie. Cheryl bought for herself 6 necklaces and I got myself just two. That day was also a early Annual Xmas Dinner with Cheryl and Janet cos Cheryl and I will be not see each other till next year. And also came out to celebrate Cengie's birthday.

Went to Akashi at Paragon for yummilious sashimi. Pics have been taken by Cheryl's cam waiting for her to upload. After that we took some xmas decor pics along Orchard Road then went to NYDC @ Hereens for Mudpie! When I reached home tat night, totally knocked out.

Next day, when the rest of the girls are free to meet, we met for lunch at Modestos. Pamela just got back from Shanghai and she too cut her fringe. Cen got hers cut like 3weeks ago and Suxin too had her fringe cut shorter! Suddenly we all have short fringes!

Delkin, Pammie Q and Me

Me and Del

STC Rules!!!!!

hahahahaaaa... yes STC Rules! lalallalaa.... After lunch did a little shopping at DFS. End of da day left with Suxin , Cen and me we went to watch PRIME at Cineleisure. VERY VERY GOOD Movie I feel. Very modern and realistic in a way. And it was hilarious when Meryl Streep tries to keep her cool when Uma was confiding in Meryl regarding Meryl's son and Uma's sexual relationship.

I am always tired and I do not know why am I feeling this way. It's not like me. My eyes cannot tolerate anything that is glaring and I just instantly feel tired when I see something too bright. When I wake up, I do not have energy to go to work. Unlike 1 mth ago, I was still rather energetic. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I am damn worried that smoking is really making me feel weaker each day. haizz.....

I am looking forward to next week! My last day at LKP and I am going back Perth! Oh yes before I forget, my dear friend Sam, missed her flight on 1st Dec. She remembered it as 1055pm when actually it is 750pm. And everything just went wrong. Her friends including me assumes that she knows it is 750 and nobody actually asked her what time is her flight. If someone did, at least she will realise that her flight is 750 instead of 1055. hahaaa.. But anyway she managed to get the next available flight on 3rd Dec 9am but had to pay extra couple of hundreds for admin fee. Duh!

Something abt Yvanna: he is drawing the line even clearer now and I am even more not entertaining his emails and sms's.

Weather: HOT

Music: Fan rattling

Mood: tired
posted by Blasé.CeL at 10:23 PM | Full View | 0 Thoughts

About me

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Location: Perth and Sydney, W.A and N.S.W, Australia

Inquisitive, indecisive, magnet to trouble. Oh well, I am just a simple girl with her own issues.


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